Sunday, February 1, 2015

Life on dialysis

First I want to give everyone an update on how Jason has been doing with the dialysis. We have had many people reach out to him via the Facebook page, and that has really helped to lift him up. Although Jason is a very positive person and has managed to keep his spirits up as of late, this is a challenge he shouldn't have to face alone. His energy is usually drained and his muscles have atrophied, so even something as simple as climbing stairs is a major hurdle. Thanks to his wife and family and all of you, he doesn't have to deal with this alone. Here was the message he sent to me yesterday:

Had a rough week at dialysis and cramping in both legs. Tuesday was the hardest, even though it was a non-dialysis day. [I am] trying to stay positive. The positive of the week were the monetary donations and well-wishes. Having two potential donors contact Mayo is so heartwarming.

When I was sitting with the Costells in Starbucks two weeks ago, learning the details of Jason's kidney disease, as well as his and Maribel's story, I was touched by how lovingly they communicated and interacted with each other. Even though they have not been married even a year, they seem to have a love that two people can only attain after years of ups and downs; deep and rich, like a fine wine. As Jason described to me his struggles with dialysis and being sick, silent tears welled up in Maribel's eyes.

I asked them if they felt like they were soul mates. They both looked at me as if it was something they hadn't even yet considered, and then said, "Yes, I think that is the perfect way to describe us."

Maribel explained the impact that dialysis has had on their family. She said it is hard to see him hooked up to a machine. Maribel also detailed what a great stepdad Jason is.

He and daughter Natalya (6) especially have a great relationship, but Jason's illness has been hardest on her. She has a hard time understanding why her favorite playmate isn't able to interact with her the way he used to. Natalya has many times asked Jason if he can just skip dialysis that day, because she knows how tired he feels after. Once getting Jason home on his dialysis days,

Maribel says that she usually takes her girls out of the house for a while to allow Jason to rest.

Initially, Jason had hoped to work part time, but that quickly went out the window when the side effects of dialysis became too overwhelming.  

Despite all of these mountains to climb, they hold on to their optimism and love for each other. They take life one day at a time, and handle each new trial as it arises. For now, they are praying that one of these potential donors is a match.

If you would like to help Jason cover the cost of his dialysis, I have set up a GoFundMe page for the Costells. You can donate by clicking here.

If you have type O blood and would like to learn more about how you may be a donor, click here.

Again, thank you for your support.